Mumiy Troll band — press-release

Mumiy Troll – the band on their own way from Vladivostok to the world Mumiy Troll (pronounced Moo-me Troll) is undoubtedly the most significant, in fact the one and only band which modern Russia produced since the fall of the Soviet regime. They have really made their mark with startling albums and live performances that are bursting with energy, combining warmth with total debauchery. ROCKAPOPS: Contemporary Russian music is divided into what was before and what came after “Mumiy Troll■. The frontman and creator of the band, Ilya Lagutenko, defined their music style as “rockapops■ just to avoid pointless Russian media debates on the definition of what is rock and what is pop. Once again “Mumiy Troll■ became the leader of an entire new musical trend copied now to greater or lesser degree by Russian wannabees and mainstream artists. Ilya Lagutenko`s talent, irreproachable taste and constant working to create something new allow him to be at the origin of contemporary cultural development trends in his country. ■Mumiy Troll■ changed not only the music but also the clothes, hairstyles and behaviour of Russian young people. The fringe à la Lagutenko, soft “meowing■ intonations, The Smile people attributed a special meaning to — these features of one man were adopted by an entire generation. ILYA LAGUTENKO: Ilya formed his first psychedelic punk band named “Bunny Pee■ at the age of 11 in his hometown port of Vladivostok, the Trans-Siberian railway terminus on Russian Pacific Coast. This was at a time when Russia was still isolated behind the Iron Curtain, any rock `n roll activities were considered subversive and were forced underground. Ilya can still hardly believe that his teenage hobby survived through the years and became so influential. From the early days when they were banned by the local Communist Party chief and labelled `one of the most socially dangerous bands in the world` to being voted `Best Band of the Millennium` in Russia, Ilya has come a long way. He served in the Russian Air Navy, graduated in Mandarin and Chinese Economy, worked for an investment bank in the City of London, and prepared for a crossing of the globe in a sailing-boat. BAND: Being an example of one of the successful long-standing independent artists in Russia MT released 6 studio albums so far, wrote and produced soundtracks for a full length cartoon movie and gave a new sound to classic Russian silent sci-fi movie and donated tracks to feature films including Russian blockbuster “Night Watch■, where Ilya also plays the Vampire. His face is on the cover of the American release. He was asked to support projects of Mark Almond and Brett Andersson, contributing lyrics and performing. Mumiy Troll is not a one-man band — the 4 people on stage have been together for the last 10 years. Yuri Tsaler, one of the most admirable guitarists in the country, is also the co-author of some of the songs. Oleg Pungin began his drumming career at the age of 7 and is still delivering the strongest pumping beats as he helps to record a good half of all records in Russia. Sdwig is the bass player who is in charge of introducing the band to modern-day technologies. SOCIETY: Mumiy Troll was the first to support the activities of PSI organization fighting AIDS in Russia. They are also well known for conservation activities on wild life in Far-East taiga and helping local minorities to survive. Ilia Lagutenko is a patron of the British-Russian ■Amur■ fund for the protection of Amur tigers and leopards. Over 1000 gigs over last 8 years exploring Russia and beyond, and finally MT have recorded in English. So you too can have access to the amazing world of Mumiy Trolls. “Mumiy Troll■ new album “AMBA■ will be released in the summer 2007.